Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Design Challenge 1 and 2

These are my designs, they are not very good  but I think that I have one my best. :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Good Sketches

Please comment well, thank you. Upon a second look, (ok I knew is wasn't nice at all) I realised that the were my only few that were good. Please tell me where I can improve and I will improve on that area immediately! Thank you! :D

Monday, January 31, 2011

Energy Conservation video...Messaging for Kids

1: Who do you think are the target audience of this clip?
The target audience are youngsters and kids.2: What do you think are the main key messages that the clip is trying to communicate?
The main key message is to encourage the children to save energy by switching off the lights when not in use and asking their parents to change the lightbulbs to compact florescent bulbs.3: Do you think the clip is effective? Why or why not?
Yes. The clip is full of animation which will draw kids attention and the different sounds of the bulbs and energy saving items.4: How do you think the messaging/clip could be further improved?
They could state more ways to save energy in the ways of a kid other than only turning off the light like checking if the house has any commonly used places with incandescent bulbs.

Energy Conservation video

1: What do you think are some of the limitations of using renewable energy resources, based on the clip that you have seen?
The place where they gather renewable energy may irritate others who lives near by, like in the video where the residents complained about the noise and the blockage of light.
2: What are some possible solutions that the video have suggested?
They want to move the big turbines further away from their homes and use smaller turbines in residential areas.3: How do you think Energy Conservation messages can be communicated effectively in the school or local context? Give or suggest some examples.
It can be communicated through posters, talks, television shows, radio podcasts, newspapers and magazines.